Login to Member Portal

Hello User, Login to your registered account

If you are a not a member kindly Register here

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Fill in all the necessary fields to register your account

If you are a registered member kindly login here

Password Guidelines: Password should be between 8 to 16 characters in length and should include at least one upper case letter,at least one lower case letter,at least one number, and special characters are optional.

Welcome to Meta Trade!

We're delighted to have you on board.

To complete your registration, please verify your email. A confirmation link, as well as your login details, have been sent to your email address. Click on the link to activate your account.

Member Id:

Login Password:

Transaction Key:

Email ID:

Thank you for joining us!

Password Guidelines:A welcome email has been dispatched to your registered email address. If you haven't found it in your inbox, please inspect your spam folder and label it as "Not Spam." Additionally, ensure that you verify your email address to complete the registration process. Thank you!